February 24th, 2006 at 01:20 am
I am excited about the change God is bringing to my life. For the past 9 months or so -- actually the past 2 years -- I have been very interested in "starting a side business." There is nothing wrong with this, the entrepreneurial spirit drives america. But my entrepreneurial spirit was more motivated by a desire to get rich quick and consumed my free time and my heart. I have made about $60 and lost about $1,000. Not that the money was that big a deal -- it stole far more from my heart and love for God and family than $1,000.
I have a couple side websites which have consumed a lot of my time. God is leading me to give them up for now and I'm EXCITED about doing this. I felt I should give them up 4 months ago, but I didn't want to. I'm so happy that God is changing my heart so that I "steady plodding" instead of "get rich quick" excites me. Jesus is capturing my heart.
Posted in
Spending Money
February 23rd, 2006 at 03:09 pm
According to the teaching of Dave Ramsey and Crown Financial, we are working toward getting $1,000 into an emergency fund before we tackle our debt head on. This will keep us from going into further debt if the car needs repair or something.
We've got $250 saved so far. I may be able to put another $200 in the account, but I'm really not sure how much money I have in my checking account -- a lot of unreconciled debit card purchases.
I get paid tomorrow. We're living with my wife's parents for the time being so we have a lot of extra money to get ourselves on track financially. I don't know how much I get paid -- this will be my first full check at the new job and I don't know what the check will look like after taxes and other deductions. I'm excited to find out!
After payday tomorrow, I might be able to put another $500 into the emergency fund. In any case, I think we'll have the it funded in under a month!
Posted in
Crown Financial,
Dave Ramsey,
Baby Step 1
February 23rd, 2006 at 02:24 pm
We attended the week 6 (of 10) crown financial meeting last night. The topic was giving. The theme was that giving should be done out of love -- God is not pleased by our amount, but by our hearts. I'm not sure what "amount" we will give -- but I'm excited about doing so joyfully!
Posted in
Crown Financial
February 23rd, 2006 at 02:17 pm
Here goes: we are 32,000 in debt plus a 10,000 car. 28,000 of this is credit card debt. A few thousand of this credit card debt is from my car -- i wanted to bring down the principal on the car loan so I could refinance. 10,000 or so of the credit card debt is related to a stupid timeshare purchase (which we sold to pay taxes last year).
I make $55,000 a year and my wife doesn't work at the present time. We are living with my wife's parents to get ourselves on track financially.
Well, we are in faith that with God's help and a lot of better decisions, we'll be able to get out of debt in a few years.
We're attending a
Text is Crown Financial course and Link is http://www.crown.org/FinancialWisdom/church/Studies.asp
Crown Financial course right now at a local church.
I've been listening to
Text is Dave Ramsey and Link is http://www.daveramsey.com
Dave Ramsey on the radio for the past couple weeks on a recommendation from my brother. Boy, does he ever make sense! I'm hoping to be able to bring his
Text is Financial Peace University and Link is http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/home/
Financial Peace University course to my church
I've started 2 blogs in the past which never made it past the first post or two before I gave up. I hope this one lasts longer.
Posted in
1 - Introduction,
Crown Financial,
Dave Ramsey